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Appendix A: Syllabus Template

Course Number: Course Title Department Name CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies COURSE SYLLABUS
Instructor:Instructor NameTerm:Spring 2020
Office:Office NumberClass Meeting Days:Days
Phone:Phone for OfficeClass Meeting Hours:Time
E-Mail:Instructor EmailClass Location:Building and room
Website:Instructor’s personal website, if applicableLab Location:Building and room
Office Hours:Date and time
  1. Welcome!

    If desired, address your students directly with a statement of welcome or a call to learning.

  2. University Course Catalog Description

    Paste the description from the online catalog.

  3. Course Overview

    Short description of the course. You can include the departmental description, and your personal description of the course.

  4. Course Objectives / Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

    What will they know, what will they be able to do, what will they value, what will they create as they progress through the course? This can be under bullets, listing, outlines, as detailed as you would like. Objectives should be specific rather than general, speaking to skills and performance rather than knowledge. Objectives should also be clearly measurable. Often, objectives use the phrasing “by the end of this course, students will be able to…”

  5. Course Prerequisites

    What do you expect your students to know coming into this course? Include skills, and course pre-requisites

  6. Required Texts and Materials

    • Full text citations of all required materials
    • Guidelines for achieving desired level of understanding
    • Required library/library-accessible resources can be described here
  7. Supplementary (Optional) Texts and Materials

    Full text citations of any supplementary materials

  8. Basis for Final Grade

    Provide a listing of assessments and their weighting in the semester total. In addition to (or even in lieu of) tests, consider exploring “authentic” assessments, which are based as closely as possible to real world experiences.

    Insert grading scale and/or rubric (with plus/minus scaling, if applicable) here. We have provided templates for your grading scale, including one for plus/minus grading, and the general grading scale. Feel free to use either one of these, adjusted for your own grading scale, if different:

    AssessmentPercent of Final Grade
    e.g., Essay 120%
    e.g., Midterm15%
    e.g., Group Project15%
    e.g., Essay 230%
    e.g., Final Exam20%

    Insert grading scale and/or rubric (with plus/minus scaling, if applicable) here. We have provided templates for your grading scale, including one for plus/minus grading, and the general grading scale. Feel free to use either one of these, adjusted for your own grading scale, if different:

    Undergraduate Graduate

    Letter GradeRanges %GPA
    A-90 - 92.93.7
    B+87 - 89.93.3
    B83 - 86.93
    B-80 - 82.92.7
    C+77 - 79.92.3
    C73 - 76.92
    C-70 - 72.91.7
    D60 - 69.91
    F< 600
    Letter GradeRanges %GPA
    A-90 - 92.93.7
    B+87 - 89.93.3
    B83 - 86.93
    B-80 - 82.92.7
    C+77 - 79.92.3
    C-73 - 76.92
    F< 700
  9. Grade Dissemination

    Explain how students will learn of their grades from assignments and assessments.

  10. Course Policies: Student Expectations

    Disability Policy: All instructors are encouraged to include in their syllabi a statement inviting students with disabilities to meet with them in a confidential environment to discuss making arrangements for accommodations. This statement both normalizes the accommodation process and help to create a positive and welcoming environment for students with disabilities. The statement also creates a collaborative model for determining and implementing legally mandated accommodations and serves as a reminder to students who need the accommodations that these arrangements need to be made. Below are a few recommended statements you may choose to use or you may consult your campus office of disability services for additional guidance.

    Sample Syllabus Statement:

    1. Any student who feels that he may need an accommodation based upon the impact of a disability should contact me privately to discuss his specific needs. If you think you need such an accommodation and have a documented disability, please contact the office of services for students with disabilities in room ________ , ________ or call to coordinate reasonable accommodations.

    2. It is college policy to provide reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities. Any student with a disability who may need accommodations in this class is advised to speak directly to ________ , located in ________ , or call ________ as early in the semester as possible. All discussions will remain confidential.

    3. Students with disabilities who believe that they may need accommodations in this class are encouraged to contact ________ located in room ________ , or call ________ as soon as possible to ensure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion.

    4. All students with disabilities and medical conditions are encouraged to register with the Office of

    for assistance and accommodation. For information and an appointment contact the Office of ________ located in Room ________ /or VP (video phone).

    Attendance Policy: Offer specifics about your expectations for attendance. How many absences are acceptable/expected? Will students get points for attendance? You may also describe expectation of courtesy here.

    Professionalism Policy: Offer specifics about your policy on professionalism or late arrivals.

    Academic Conduct Policy: Offer specifics about your policy on cheating or plagiarism. You may wish to refer to the Catalog or other policy handbooks, which governs all student behavior even when specifics are not mentioned in a syllabus. An alternative is to call specific attention to plagiarism, perhaps even defining it for your students.

    If you are using a plagiarism-detection service, it is recommended that you clearly state so on the syllabus.

    College Learning Center, Writing Center, and Academic Computing Labs: Offer information about access and expectations.

  11. Important Dates to Remember

    Add a short statement that describes that all the dates and assignments are tentative, and can be changed at the discretion of the professor.


    • Last Day to Add/Drop Classes:
    • Grade Forgiveness Deadline:
    • Mid – Term Examination:
    • Withdrawal Deadline:
    • Spring Break:
    • Final Examination:
  12. Schedule

    DateFinish This Homework Before ClassTopics to be Discussed in Class
    1/9First day of class; no homework is dueList the main learning objectives or topics covered during this class period.
    (continue with this pattern for the remainder of the term)
    4/23 Wed.Final Exam, 7:00pm-10:00pm
    \*Note: The Schedule is subject to revision
  13. Essay and Project Assignments

    You may wish to list each assignment and what characterizes this assignment from all others. You made add reference text page numbers, the topics needed to complete this project, brief problem specification, etc.

Appendix B: Student & Instructor Faculty Agreement Form


Appendix C: Grading for Final Grades

Grading for final grades

Appendix D: Change of Grade Request Form


Appendix E: CUNYFirst Login Procedure

CUNYFirst Activation and Login Procedure

Appendix F: Acceptable Use of Microsoft Office 365 for Education Policy

Acceptable Use of Microsoft Office 365 for Education Policy

Appendix G: Payroll Policies and Forms


Appendix H: Multiple Positions Memo


Using Live Transcription in Zoom

The CUNY Zoom for Education conferencing platform now includes a feature that uses automatic transcription to turn the spoken word into text, in real-time, called Live Transcript.

The host of the meeting has the ability to enable live transcript for all participants. Participants have the option to customize their subtitles, view and save the transcript, and turn off the subtitles on their own screen.

Enable Live Transcript as a host
View subtitles
Hide subtitles
View and save full transcript
Customize subtitle size

Enable Live Transcription (One-Time Setup)

  1. Navigate to and sign in with your CUNY Login credentials (Username:

  2. Click on Settings within the left-side menu.

  3. Under the Meeting tab, select In-Meeting (Advanced).

  4. Scroll down to Closed captioning and make sure that the Enable live transcription service to show transcript on the side panel in-meeting checkbox is checked off. If it is not, check it off and click Save.

  5. If you would like meeting participants to be able to save meeting transcripts, make sure the Save Captions toggle is on.