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Academic Governance Council

The SLU policy for Academic Governance reflects several foundational principles, including transparency in decision making; collaboration and mutual consultation between faculty and administration, including over issues of personnel and budget; faculty responsibility over academic areas and administrative responsibility over administrative areas; democratically elected representation from faculty, staff, and students; elected departmental chairs; and, where appropriate student, administrative, community and labor voice in committees. SLU, like other CUNY colleges and schools, and pursuant to this Governance Plan, will have the authority to propose to the CUNY Board of Trustees its curriculum and admissions criteria, award degrees, conduct searches, recommend to the Board of Trustees personnel actions with respect to appointment, reappointment, promotion, and tenure, and engage in internal review and assessment protocols.

The full Governance Plan can be found here.

Sabbatical Policy

Applications for the one-semester Fellowship Leave at full pay must be accompanied by a current curriculum vitae and a research statement of no more than three pages. The research statement must explain the relationship between the project and the applicant’s background and future professional activities as well as the intellectual significance of the proposed work and the contribution it will make to the candidate’s academic field in one or more of the categories outlined above.

If the leave is to be taken at another institution, please provide a supporting letter from that institution.

Application here.